Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Nobody follows this blog... but, I asked a pretty girl to marry me.  She said yes.  Which proves that she's maybe a bit crazy.  Looking at June 2nd.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Random Day off

I get up, I get dressed. I answer my phone... Don't need you today. Says my boss.

What to do?

Friday, August 12, 2011


Yep, there I said it.  I thought that this was going to be cool...   Something neat and fun, but it turns out that it's... a .... PITA.    That's ok though.   I still believe that somehow I'll find a state of zen through it.

Last weekend a group of us from the Northwest JK group, and Foxxxtracker 4WD got together and ran some of the trails up near Liberty.   It was a blast to meet some new people, check out how others have built their rigs, and then get out and have fun.

Good times were had by all.   Maybe sometime in the future I'll take more time to actually write a story, and describe how much fun it was.  All those things that my friend Stacy does in her blog...  

Until next time....

Friday, July 29, 2011


Welcome to my new blog.  I hope to update it enough that people check to see what's there.  It will be a journey, that's for sure!